burst onto the scene

burst onto the scene / burst on the scene / burst upon the scene

 To appear in a place suddenly; to become popular or famous quickly. 突然出现在现场,闯入现场;迅速走红



1. Do you remember how we decided not to invite Uncle Chris? We decided he would probably cause problems and want to start a fight. He just burst onto the scene a couple of minutes ago. He ran onto the dance floor and started yelling insults at people he doesn’t even know. 你还记得我们是如何决定不邀请克里斯叔叔的吗?我们认定他可能会制造麻烦,并想开始一场战斗。几分钟前他突然出现在现场。他跑到舞池里,开始大声辱骂他都不认识的人。

2. But beyond the familiar laundry list, a new topic has burst on the scene: direct investment by Chinese firms in the united states. 但在这个熟悉的清单以外,一个新的话题已经迅速引起注意,那就是中国企业在美国的直接投资。

3. Luckin Coffee burst onto the Chinese coffee scene to challenge Starbucks through affordable coffee options and mobile ordering. 瑞幸咖啡迅速进入中国咖啡市场,通过平价咖啡和手机订购向星巴克发起挑战。
