
英音 /ɡleɪz/

美音 /ɡleɪz/

1. [ verb T ] to make a surface shiny by putting a liquid substance onto it and leaving it or heating it until it dries
[ 及物动词 ] 给…上釉;给…上光;使光滑,使光亮


Glaze the pastry with beaten egg. 往油酥面团里和入打匀的鸡蛋,使其滑亮。

The pot had been badly glazed. 这个罐子上釉上得很差。

2. [ verb I ] If your eyes glaze or glaze over, they stay still and stop showing any emotion because you are bored or tired or have stopped listening.
[ 不及物动词 ] (眼神)变呆滞,发呆


Among the audience, eyes glazed over and a few heads started to nod. 听众目光变得呆滞无神,一些人则开始打盹。

3. [ verb T ] to put a piece of glass into a window or the windows of a building
[ 及物动词 ] 给(窗户)装玻璃


The house is nearly finished but it hasn’t been glazed yet. 房子即将完工,但是窗户还没有装玻璃。

4. [ noun C ] a substance used to glaze something
[ 可数名词 ] 釉,釉料;(用来使食物有光泽的)浆,汁


a cake with a dark chocolate glaze 浇有黑巧克力的蛋糕

pottery with a fine, translucent glaze 发半透明光泽的陶器
