
英音 /rɪˈzjuːm/

美音 /rɪˈzuːm/

1. [ verb I or T formal ] If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause.
[ 及物或不及物动词,正式用语 ](中断后)继续,重新开始


Normal services will be resumed in the spring. 春天将恢复正常服务。

He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking. 他停下来呷了一口水,然后继续发言。

The talks are due to resume today. 会谈预定今天继续进行。

2. [ verb T formal ] If you resume a place or position that you have left for a period of time, you return to it.
[ 及物动词,正式用语 ] 恢复,重新回到,重返(某地或某位置)


to resume your post/job 重返工作岗位

Please resume your seats, as the performance will continue in two minutes. 请大家回到自己的座位上去,两分钟后演出继续。


英音 /ˈrez.juː.meɪ/

美音 /ˈrez.ə.meɪ/

1. [ noun C ] a short statement of the important details of something
[ 可数名词 ] 摘要,梗概,概述


She gave us a brief résumé of the project so far. 她向我们简要介绍了目前工程的进展情况。

2. [ noun C, US, UK CV ] a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs, and sometimes also your personal interests, that you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job
[ 可数名词,美式英语,同英式英语CV ] 简历,履历


She sent her résumé to 50 companies, but didn’t even get an interview. 她向50家公司投了简历,但是连一次面试的机会都没有得到。
