源代码 Source Code

片名:Source Code
主演:杰克·吉伦哈尔 | 维拉·法梅加| 米歇尔·莫娜汉
导演: 邓肯·琼斯

[flash url=”http://down02.putclub.com/newupdate/vaonline/Life/putclub.com_source_code.flv”]


Hey, Shawn, hey…Shawn…
I took your advice. It was a very good advice. Shawn, Shawn.
You can consider that you think you know me, but I don’t know who you are. My name is Katin Carter Stevens.
You can’t forgive me, huh?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no…
Talk to me, Shawn.
I don’t know who Shawn is, and I don’t know who you are.
Welcome back, captain Stevens.
Where am I?
You are inside of the Source Code.
What is Source Code?
It’s a computer program, Captain.
Source Code enables you to cross over into another man’s identity in the last 8 minutes of his life.
At 7:48 this morning, a bomb exploded in a train outside of Chicago, killing everyone on board.
The man named Shawn Fentris was on that train. He is now you.
Think hard and remember back who bombed the train.
I don’t know who bombed the train.
Then, try again.
Wait. No, I….
So, what do you think?
It’s the same train but it’s different.
We’ve been informed there will be another attack in six hours.
If you find the bomber and the next attack could be prevented.
Concentrate on the passengers in your car; look for ones who seem nervous as always. You have 8 minutes.
8 Minutes and that will be blown up again.
What would you do if you knew you had less than 8 minutes to live?
I’d make those seconds count.
I want go back in. I wanna save her.
You can’t, it doesn’t work that way.
Christine and I were dead.
It doesn’t have to be.
You can not involve this to reality while inside the Source Code.
I am asking you to have the decency to let me try.
What’s going on?
He’s in trouble.
Tell me everything’s gonna be ok.
Everything is gonna be ok!
