
put forth / throw light on / down to earth

I love how she’s confident enough to put forth her views about the current issues and struggles of women and how she’s able to relate to and understand them and then throw light on what the world has probably been doing wrong and comment on that. All of her thoughts and ideas and opinions are so down to earth and genuine that they just touch your heart and I really appreciate her efforts of making this world a better place to live in by promoting valuable projects and regenerating the idea of gender equality amongst the youth and the older generation as well.


1. put sth/sb forward
(美式英语)put sth/sb forth

2. cast/shed/throw light on sth

3. down-to-earth

little more than



1. The play seems to be little more than a vehicle for its director and star. 那部戏看起来不过是为其导演兼主演量身打造的而已。(vehicle 为某个表演者或艺术家特意制作的电影或演出节目、展览等)

2. The President will be little more than a figurehead. 总统将不过是个傀儡而已。

a common sight



1. Today, hybrids and pure electric vehicles are a common sight around the world. 如今,混合动力车和纯电动汽车在世界各地随处可见。

2. Some birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare. 有些曾经随处可见的鸟类现在日益稀少。

compound growth rate

compound growth rate 复合增长率

compound annual growth rate 年均复合增长率(缩写:CAGR)


1. China’s overall coffee sales will rise at an 8.7% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2022–2027, according to analytics firm GlobalData. CAGR is a measure of investment returns, which takes into account what an investment yields at an annual rate over a specified period. 根据分析公司GlobalData的数据,从2022年到2027年,中国咖啡的整体销售额将以8.7%的复合年增长率增长。复合年增长率是衡量投资回报的指标,它考虑了在特定时期内投资的年收益率。

burst onto the scene

burst onto the scene / burst on the scene / burst upon the scene

 To appear in a place suddenly; to become popular or famous quickly. 突然出现在现场,闯入现场;迅速走红



1. Do you remember how we decided not to invite Uncle Chris? We decided he would probably cause problems and want to start a fight. He just burst onto the scene a couple of minutes ago. He ran onto the dance floor and started yelling insults at people he doesn’t even know. 你还记得我们是如何决定不邀请克里斯叔叔的吗?我们认定他可能会制造麻烦,并想开始一场战斗。几分钟前他突然出现在现场。他跑到舞池里,开始大声辱骂他都不认识的人。

2. But beyond the familiar laundry list, a new topic has burst on the scene: direct investment by Chinese firms in the united states. 但在这个熟悉的清单以外,一个新的话题已经迅速引起注意,那就是中国企业在美国的直接投资。

3. Luckin Coffee burst onto the Chinese coffee scene to challenge Starbucks through affordable coffee options and mobile ordering. 瑞幸咖啡迅速进入中国咖啡市场,通过平价咖啡和手机订购向星巴克发起挑战。


英音 /ˈtrɪk.(ə)l/

美音 /ˈtrɪk.(ə)l/

1. [ verb I ] trickle down, from, out of, etc. sth
If liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly and without force in a thin line.
[ 不及物动词 ] 从…向下滴(或淌)


Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth. 血从他的嘴角滴了下来。

Oil was trickling from a tiny hole in the tank. 油正从油罐上的一个小孔往下滴。

2. [ verb I ] trickle in, out, back, etc.
to arrive or move somewhere slowly and gradually, in small numbers


Gradually people trickled back into the theatre for the second half. 渐渐地,人们开始三三两两地回到剧院看下半场。

3. [ noun S ] a very small number of people or things arriving or leaving somewhere
[ 单数名词 ] 三三两两,零星


We usually only get a trickle of customers in the mornings. 早上我们店里通常只有零星的顾客。

4. [ noun C ] a small amount of liquid that is flowing slowly in a thin line
[ 可数名词 ] 从…向下滴(或淌)

A trickle of melted butter made its way down his chin. 一滴融化了的黄油顺着他的下巴向下滑。


英音 /əˈnæt.ə.mi/

美音 /əˈnæt›.ə.mi/

1. [ noun U ] the scientific study of the body and how its parts are arranged
[ 不可数名词 ] 解剖学


An understanding of human anatomy is important to a dancer. 对于一个舞蹈演员来说,通晓一些人体解剖学知识非常重要。

He later became professor of anatomy at Kiel. 后来他成为基尔大学的解剖学教授。

2. [ noun C or U ] the structure of an animal or plant
[ 可数或不可数名词 ] 解剖构造;(动植物)结构


the female anatomy 女性人体解剖构造

the anatomy of a leaf 叶子的结构

3. [ noun C, humorous ] a person’s body
[ 可数名词,幽默说法 ] 身体


On which part of her anatomy is she tattooed? 她在她身体的什么部位刺了纹身?

4. [ noun C formal ] a detailed examination of a subject
[ 可数名词,正式用语 ] 剖析,分析;细察


The whole play reads like an anatomy of evil. 整个剧本读起来就如同是一份对邪恶的剖析报告。


英音 /trænzˈluː.s(ə)nt/

美音 /trænˈsluː.s(ə)nt/

[ adjective,often approving ] If an object or a substance is translucent, it is almost transparent, allowing some light through it in an attractive way.
[ 形容词,常用作褒义 ] 半透明的


translucent plastic/glass 半透明的塑料/玻璃

This china is so fine and delicate that it’s translucent. 这件瓷器做工精细,晶莹剔透。

Laura’s skin has a translucent quality. 劳拉皮肤白皙清透。


英音 /ɡleɪz/

美音 /ɡleɪz/

1. [ verb T ] to make a surface shiny by putting a liquid substance onto it and leaving it or heating it until it dries
[ 及物动词 ] 给…上釉;给…上光;使光滑,使光亮


Glaze the pastry with beaten egg. 往油酥面团里和入打匀的鸡蛋,使其滑亮。

The pot had been badly glazed. 这个罐子上釉上得很差。

2. [ verb I ] If your eyes glaze or glaze over, they stay still and stop showing any emotion because you are bored or tired or have stopped listening.
[ 不及物动词 ] (眼神)变呆滞,发呆


Among the audience, eyes glazed over and a few heads started to nod. 听众目光变得呆滞无神,一些人则开始打盹。

3. [ verb T ] to put a piece of glass into a window or the windows of a building
[ 及物动词 ] 给(窗户)装玻璃


The house is nearly finished but it hasn’t been glazed yet. 房子即将完工,但是窗户还没有装玻璃。

4. [ noun C ] a substance used to glaze something
[ 可数名词 ] 釉,釉料;(用来使食物有光泽的)浆,汁


a cake with a dark chocolate glaze 浇有黑巧克力的蛋糕

pottery with a fine, translucent glaze 发半透明光泽的陶器


英音 /kəˈrɪk.jə.ləm/

美音 /kəˈrɪk.jə.ləm/

[ noun C ] the subjects studied in a school, college, etc. and what each subject includes
[ 可数名词 ] 课程

plural 复数形式:curricula /kəˈrɪk.jə.lə/ or curriculums /kəˈrɪk.jə.ləmz/


the school curriculum 学校课程

the national curriculum(一些国家的中小学)全国统一必修课程

curriculum vitae /kəˌrɪk.jə.ləm ˈviː.taɪ/ 履历,简历。英式英语CV的完整形式。